Saturday, May 14, 2016

Take me "Home"!

A Documentary about Earth and it's habitability 

Towards the end of the semester, my classmates and I had the pleasure of watching "Home" instead of a final test. At first I was skeptical because I have never watched a documentary that wasn't boring, but with "Home" I was pleasantly surprised. "Home" is a documentary directed by Yann Arthus-Bertrand and narrated by Glenn Close. "Home" discusses the negative impact that humans place daily on Earth. This documentary was eye opening and shocking. It's scary to think that we are a threat to our own planet, where we live. We have abused our resources with toxic pesticides, excessive mining, water shortages, deforestation, extinction, global warming, droughts, and wildfires, and even many species have become extinct. The only solution to this is for us to make a change. By us, I mean all of us, everyone on Earth. We must protect our natural resources, decrease pollution, and help in any other way we can. Solar power is a great way that we can use natural resources without abusing it. We need to look to solar power to become our primary resource for energy.  
Even some foreign cities like Dubai realize the need to make a change.  We can make a difference but we need to focus. Electricity plants are exploring geothermal energy. The introduction of Wind farms produce 20%  energy.  Intelligence in engineering will help lead our society and joining nations on a mission to preserve our earth rather than exhaust her resources.
As a future teacher, it is so important to impart this knowledge onto our students so that each generation is aware of the harm the can cause and will therefore try their best to protect this planet that we call our home.

Always remember that actions speak louder than words!

Watch the full documentary below!

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